The Weltkunstzimmer, the art centre of the Hans Peter Zimmer Foundation, has been offering space for exhibitions, concerts, dance and theatre performances, workshops, talks and festivals for over ten years now. A special focus is placed on the (creative) role of art in society. This is where space_relations comes in: Over the course of a year, Mischa Kuball will open up the Weltkunstzimmer for active discussion, reflection and experimentation, thereby linking the centre more closely with existing institutions and actors in the region.
In order to give art and its impact more space, the foundation is aiming to further develop the exhibition spaces from 2025 to create an infrastructure that can be used independently all year round so that up to three projects can be realised in parallel.
space_relations is intended to work together in advance on the mental spaces of possibility that are opening up and formulate visions. To this end, conceptual artist Mischa Kuball was invited to pave the way artistically and develop a discursive and participatory Gesamtkunstwerk. Mischa Kuball's artistic work in public and private spaces spans genres and addresses questions that the respective location and context pose to the artist. His art often pursues a socio-political dimension that analyses, challenges and recontextualises existing structures. Using the means of art, the Weltkunstzimmer is intended to become a ‘place of relationships’ throughout the year and beyond. Exciting connections between the city, the cultural scene, institutions, interdisciplinary theory and practice will emerge and become visible and tangible at various locations in the city. Based on the question of what programme an art institution without premises can show, the Weltkunstzimmer wants to use art as a creative force in society and open itself up as a collaborative network for exchange and experimentation beyond city and national borders.
Lea Schleiffenbaum, Vanessa Joan Müller, Yukiko Shikata, Marguerite Pilven, Mischa Kuball, Wolfgang Schäfer, Janine Blöß and Martha Martens
Project team: Nora Faust, Yannick Böhm, Christina Brikmann, Ahmed Shukur
Kindly supported by
The Weltkunstzimmer, the art centre of the Hans Peter Zimmer Foundation, has been offering space for exhibitions, concerts, dance and theatre performances, workshops, talks and festivals for over ten years now. A special focus is placed on the (creative) role of art in society. This is where space_relations comes in: Over the course of a year, Mischa Kuball will open up the Weltkunstzimmer for active discussion, reflection and experimentation, thereby linking the centre more closely with existing institutions and actors in the region.
In order to give art and its impact more space, the foundation is aiming to further develop the exhibition spaces from 2025 to create an infrastructure that can be used independently all year round so that up to three projects can be realised in parallel.
space_relations is intended to work together in advance on the mental spaces of possibility that are opening up and formulate visions. To this end, conceptual artist Mischa Kuball was invited to pave the way artistically and develop a discursive and participatory Gesamtkunstwerk. Mischa Kuball's artistic work in public and private spaces spans genres and addresses questions that the respective location and context pose to the artist. His art often pursues a socio-political dimension that analyses, challenges and recontextualises existing structures. Using the means of art, the Weltkunstzimmer is intended to become a ‘place of relationships’ throughout the year and beyond. Exciting connections between the city, the cultural scene, institutions, interdisciplinary theory and practice will emerge and become visible and tangible at various locations in the city. Based on the question of what programme an art institution without premises can show, the Weltkunstzimmer wants to use art as a creative force in society and open itself up as a collaborative network for exchange and experimentation beyond city and national borders.
Lea Schleiffenbaum, Vanessa Joan Müller, Yukiko Shikata, Marguerite Pilven, Mischa Kuball, Wolfgang Schäfer, Janine Blöß and Martha Martens
Projetteam: Nora Faust, Yannick Böhm, Christina Brikmann, Ahmed Shukur
Kindly supported by