11 October 2012, 7 pm
Exchange: Interim results and outlook
For the ninth time, the "Transfer" scholarship programme offers artists from NRW and a partner country the opportunity for an intensive exchange with concluding exhibitions in the participating partner institutions. In co-operation with the NRW KULTURsekretariat, the Osthaus Museum Hagen, the Kunstmuseum Bonn and the Kunsthalle Düsseldorf, a partnership between Korea and NRW was established this year. This is the first time that a country far outside the European cultural area has become a partner in the art and artist exchange programme.
As part of this programme, the Kunsthalle invites interested parties to an exchange with the participating artists at the Hans Peter Zimmer Foundation on Thursday, 11 October. In short presentations, the Korean artists will take a look at their stay in NRW - at the same time, the NRW artists will give an outlook on their upcoming time in Korea. In an open discussion round, the transfer players will then discuss expectations and ideas. This will be followed by a joint celebration.
11 October 2012, 7 pm
Exchange: Interim results and outlook
For the ninth time, the "Transfer" scholarship programme offers artists from NRW and a partner country the opportunity for an intensive exchange with concluding exhibitions in the participating partner institutions. In co-operation with the NRW KULTURsekretariat, the Osthaus Museum Hagen, the Kunstmuseum Bonn and the Kunsthalle Düsseldorf, a partnership between Korea and NRW was established this year. This is the first time that a country far outside the European cultural area has become a partner in the art and artist exchange programme.
As part of this programme, the Kunsthalle invites interested parties to an exchange with the participating artists at the Hans Peter Zimmer Foundation on Thursday, 11 October. In short presentations, the Korean artists will take a look at their stay in NRW - at the same time, the NRW artists will give an outlook on their upcoming time in Korea. In an open discussion round, the transfer players will then discuss expectations and ideas. This will be followed by a joint celebration.